KJ Tait

The British Library London, New Solar Installation

KJ Tait were engaged by CBRE and the British Library to provide consultancy support on a new solar thermal installation for the British Library, St Pancras, London.  This is one of the largest solar thermal installations in the UK. 
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Tonbridge School, Kent

Tonbridge School is a public boarding and day school founded in 1553 by Sir Andrew Judde. It is a member of the Eton Group and has close links with the Worshipful Company of Skinners, one of the oldest London livery companies.
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3 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh

A residential development on the south side of St Andrew Square which formed part of a mixed-use development including offices, restaurants and retail units.
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The Welsh Chapel, London

This project is the conversion of a Grade II listed Chapel on Shaftesbury Avenue into a new centre for performance art.
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