KJ Tait are responsible for ensuring the abrdn office portfolio can meet the expected reinforcement of the MEES standard to ‘B’ by 2030. At One Trinity Gardens in Newcastle, the building is currently a ‘D’ rated EPC.
As part of our EPC ‘B’ Pathway service, we completed a feasibility assessment to assess the alternative systems that could be implemented. We concluded that the best option for replacement would be the installation of individual VRF systems across each of the tenanted floors. This option would allow for the works to be completed on a phased basis with replacement being undertaken when a floor became available, or via the use of swing spaces.
This option was modelled within our modelling software which showed the building, under the current regulations, improving to the required EPC ‘B’ standard. As the building will be heated via electricity when the new Part L 2021 comes into force, we are expecting a further improvement in the EPC Rating.