Through thermal modelling KJ Tait were responsible for demonstrating and ensuring that the new Littleborough Primary and Whitworth Secondary schools could achieve Net Zero Carbon in operation. This requirement ensured that the buildings would be of low carbon design, therefore the schools needed to be naturally ventilated. It was essential therefore to ensure that the buildings would not overheat.
Using BB101 methodology and working with the Architects, we incorporated external shading to reduce solar gains, and acoustic louvres so that fresh air could be provided continuously with no safety or security concerns. Using cross ventilation principals, our modelling showed the potential for external air being drawn through the classrooms and released via the double height corridor roof lights.
The ’in use’ modelling was concluded using guidance contained within the DFE Technical Annex 2C. The resultant design included exemplary levels of fabric and air tightness, heat pumps providing heating and hot water and LED lighting. PV arrays were then modelled on each roof to offset each school’s energy consumption to achieve Net Zero Carbon.