KJ Tait

KJ Tait is now a Certified B Corp

19 August 2024

Just over 15 months ago we set out on our mission to become a Certified B Corp and we’re delighted to announce that has now been achieved.


For those that do not know, B Corp is a Global Business Certification Scheme used by companies to assess and manage their ESG commitments and aspirations.  The vision behind the scheme is to create a new type of corporation with the aim of demonstrating a genuine positive impact for both staff, customers and our wider community.


Much of the work over the last year has focussed on our existing Policies and Procedures.  B Corp encourages organisations to consider social and environmental issues across all aspects of our business. Many of our old policies have now been updated and enhanced to reflect this new endeavour.  We have also created several new policies, such as our Charity and Volunteering Policy, which has already enabled many of our staff to be involved in various Charity and Community-based projects.


The other main aspect of the B Corp Certification is to improve our Environmental Impact.  This includes reducing our carbon emissions in both utility consumption and transport.  It also focuses on the Environmental Impact we can have with our Clients through our Design, Energy and Facilities Services.  Our recent Carbon Neutral Accreditation through Planet Mark is an example of what we have achieved in this area.


Whilst achieving this accreditation is great, our challenge now will be to continue making a positive impact on all aspects of what we do as a business.


Thanks to Seismic for their assistance along the way and to the many hours our staff have dedicated to making this a reality.